Monday, April 23, 2007


This was a good weekend and it was made even better by the fact that it started Thursday afternoon. I left school early to go to an award celebration for my grandpa. Then my aunt and uncle took my and my sister, mom, and cousin shopping. They got me a channel ring, dolce and gabana sunglasses, and a pink coach tote bag. And then that night we all went and ate at the best restaurant ever: California Pizza Kitchen. Delicious! Friday was senior skip day so me and my momma went shopping and out to lunch. I had some chicken. We also had to go to the secretary of state so she could get her license plate renewed! fun times! Saturday I just chilled at home and worked on all my stuff for graduation. Sunday I went shopping again and then we went out for Chinese food. When we got home my parents, me, and my sister all watched Desperate Housewives. It was very good! That's allllll

Microphone Prompt

If I had a microphone that would make the whole world listen I would say that people should stop being so mean and stupid. I think a good percent of this population is just really stupid and I just want to let them all know that. But I think there are some people who are stupid who just need to be told they are stupid so they can get a wake up call and be smarter. That is what I would do if I had that power.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I think Phil did an amzing job last night on American Idol. I called and voted for him 20 times. I really hope he wins!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My Goal

In the next six weeks the main goal I want to accomplish is keeping my A in this class. Hopefully I won't slack off too much even though I am beyond sick of school. I don't think it will be that hard to keep my grade up, at least in this class. I think Ms. Eastman could help me accomplish that goal by not assigning too much work or at least not hard work, especially to the seniors since we are under a lot of stress and have been working real hard for the past 13 years. So if this class remains somewhat easy and I manage not to fail this video project that I know nothing about then I think I won't have a problem in accomplishing my goal.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring Break

I got back in town Sunday at 4 in the morning. This has to be the best spring break I have ever had! On Friday at 10 in the morning me and my mom went to pick up my aunt and my cousin. Then we were on our way to my aunts house in Ohio. It took around 2 hours to get there. We ate lunch at her house and then when my uncle got home from work he drove us all to the airport. It's a good thing my aunt has a big car because between the 5 of us we had so much luggage we could not even see out of the back of the car. We got to the airport and went through security and everything and then at 5 we boarded the plane. We got to LA at 7 which was 10 Michigan time. We were at LAX airport. I kept hoping I would see a celebrity but I didn't. We had to go on a bus to our hotel. We got to the hotel and ate dinner and then went to bed. We woke up early the next morning and had breakfast and then took a shuttle to the cruise docks. There we had to go through more security and then we just had to sit and wait. Finally we were allowed to board the boat. It was sooo big. We went to our rooms and then all met and had lunch. Then me and my cousin spent a few hours exploring the boat. There was a big sail away party so we went to that. We met our moms and aunt for dinner later and then we all went to a show. It was dancers and a comedian. It was really good. After dinner we went outside and saw 300 dolphins all swimming by our boat. It was pretty sweet! We sailed for 2 days to get to our first port. Sunday and Monday we had a lot of fun and did all sorts of activities on the boat. We went to comedy shows, midnight buffets, Spanish class, BINGO, movies, swimming, and tanned. On Tuesday morning we arrived in Puerto Vallerta. I had a lot of fun there. Our taxi driver was playing Gwen Stefani music and we were singing. But they are crazy there, there was no speed limits, or lights, or stop signs so the ride was kind of scary. We went shopping all day and had lunch at Si Senor. Then we got back on the boat to set sail for Mazatlan. We arrived there Tuesday. I liked that port the best. We shopped of course and then decided to take a tour. So we went to this place and booked a private tour with a man named Chuy. He was nice and I got to practice my Spanish. He took us all over Mazatlan in a big bus. We saw cliff divers, had Mexican ice cream, went to a flea market, meat market, fish market, beach, went on tours of houses and then went downtown to the oldest bakery and had empanadas. I got my hair braided on the beach. I was sad to leave Mazatlan! The next day we were in Cabo San Lucas. We shopped for only a little bit and then walked like 5 miles to a beach. We spent the rest of the day laying in the sun and having nachos. We decided to take a glass bottom boat tour. We went way in the middle of the ocean and saw sea lions and fish. We decided to take the boat back to the dock but my mom had a hard time getting back in and she almost fell in the ocean. it was pretty funny. We were only in Cabo till 1:30 so when we got back on the boat I went and saw Man of the Year. Then I had lunch. Later that night we all went and saw the Piano Man in the Princess Theater. It was really good. Friday I spent most of my day by the pool. At night we went to an Illusionist show and a comedy show. Our dinners were at 8 every night. That boat had the best food. I ate Alaskan king crab, octopus, shrimp, and lobster. It was very good! Saturday we had to get off the boat. I was very sad to go home. The week seemed to go by so fast. We got off around 11. We took a shuttle back to LAX. we ate lunch there and then got on the plane at 3:30. We got to Cleveland Airport at 11 and my uncle was there to pick us up. We all went back to my aunt and uncles house, he had dinner waiting for us. We left there house at one in the morning. We had a 2 hour drive back home. I talked for 2 straight hours so I could keep my mom awake while she was driving. We dropped my aunt and cousin at their house and then at 4 in the morning we were finally home. I'm tired but I had soooooo much fun. The only bad part is that I can't even spend today sleeping since evil teachers decide to give so much homework over break which is totally unfair. At least school over in like 3 weeks!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

American Idol

I almost had a heart attack watching American Idol last night. For like the 50th week in a row Phil has been in the bottom 3. This is very unfortunate since I am in love with him, and if he does get voted off then I will have to boycott the show. Anyways, I was sitting in the living room watching it and then my whole family comes in and starts talking like nothing is going on. This was very upsetting. American Idol is totally important. I have a feeling Phil was in the bottom 3 last night because Tuesday night I was at Passover so I couldn't watch the show and vote for him. Usually I take every ones cell phones and vote for him like 30 times, but that night I couldn't. But it all had a happy ending because he was safe. My mother though, was being quite evil sitting on the couch and screaming Phil is gone! Phil is gone! But thankfully he stayed. I was very sad Gina went home, but better her than Phil. Actually better Sanjaya than anyone, but he's probably just about to win the whole thing. If that happens I don't know what I will do. I'm going to be in Mexico next Tuesday and Wednesday so hopefully there is American TV there so I can see Phil. If not I will have to cost my parents tons of money and call long distance to find out if he is still on. Hopefully it won't come to that though. Phil is definitely my American idol!!

Spring Break

I am sooooooo excited. Tomorrow (Friday) My mom, me, aunt, and cousin are driving down to Cleavland, Ohio. We are going to my aunt and uncles house for a while then my uncle will be dropping all of us girls at the airport. We leave from the airport at 5:00 and will arrive in Los Angeles around 7. We have to stay at a hotel ... all 5 of us in one room! Saturday morning we will take a taxi to the docks where our cruise takes off from. We are going on the Princess Cruise for 7 days. I can't wait! During next week we will be stopping at different places in Mexico. I can't wait to go shopping. I've never been on a cruise before and every one's telling me I;m going to have so much fun! Me and my cousin are planning to do a lot of stuff together since we are around the same age and don't want to be stuck with our parents. I really want to go rock climbing. I have to go home after school and finish packing and then try to sleep, even though I know I won't be able too. My mom told me I could've brought a friend. I wanted to Tiffany to come but she has gymnastics. We would have had so much fun. Well, maybe next year!


Monday and Tuesday was the beginning of passover. Monday night at 9:oo my mom, dad, brother, sister, and me went to my cousin's house in Oak Park for dinner. We are not allowed to eat bread on this holiday but we have to eat so much matzoh. It's disgusting. We didn't get home till after midnight so my parents let me and my brother sleep in Tuesday. Then Tuesday night we went to some friends house in Jackson. My friend was there and we talked. I haven't seen him in a really long time. He just graduated from college, and moved back home. His parents invited to me stay at their house whenever I want because it's very close to Central which is where I am going to college. Anyways, that night was a lot funner than Monday. We went outside in the freezing cold and had a silly string fight. We ate dinner a lot earlier there too. So me and my friend made plans to get together when I go visit Central in May. I am very excited! Also that night everyone got 2 of the new coin dollars for finding the afikomen. I had sooo much fun, and even though my dress clothes got ruined from the silly string it's all good!