Sunday, March 11, 2007


Soooo I went to see Norbit on Friday night. That was seriously like the funniest movie ever! Uhh Saturday my cousin came over and we hung out and of course went SHOPPING. then we went out to dinner with some other people. So we came home and we were watching this show called Bizzare foods and there were people eating like chicken heads and cow bladders. It was so gross. My cousin slept over and she went home this morning but that's okay because she will be back Monday night because we don't have to go to school Tuesday! I really want to go to the movies again and see the Atronaut Farmer haha I'm such a dork. I'm at my grandma's right now for a family brunch, How exciting. I'm kinda bored. Ahhh I still have to go home and do math homework and go get gas for my carrrrrrr.

1 comment:

Tiffany12 said...

Was Norbit good i really wanted to see that movie