Monday, March 19, 2007


Friday after school my cousin came over. We watched Bizarre Foods. It was really gross. My cousin slept over that night. Saturday afternoon we went to the mall. I got some really pretty earrings. Later that night we met Tiffany and her boyfriend for dinner at Leo's. After he left the three of us went to Northern to see Joseph. It was such a good play and the guy who played Joseph was so hot and at the end of the play he was standing so close to us, it was pretty sweet. Sunday I spent the whole day cleaning out my whole bedroom. It took forever and I'm still not finished. I had so much crap stored away I just closed my eyes and threw it all in a garbage bag. My whole family went out to lunch at this cheeseburger restaurant. I don't like hamburgers but they did have the most amazing milkshakes. After lunch I went home and cleaned some more and when I get home today I get to finish cleaning...funnnnn

1 comment:

Tiffany12 said...

I really liked the play didn't you lol