Friday, March 16, 2007

what dreams may come quotes

" Sometimes When You Win, You Lose "Sometimes you want to win so bad you don't care who you hurt in the process. So really even though you might have won like you wanted you still lost something whether it be a friend or anything else. It might not even be that you want to win in a game or competition. You can want to win the guy's heart or win the love of anyone, but in reality you might be hurting and letting down so many other people that in the end it doesn't matter if you win or lose. "Thoughts are real, it's the physical that's the illusion" Like when you dream it seems so real and you feel like you are actually there and sometimes you can see yourself so clearly that you forget you are dreaming. But it's when you wake up from the dream that you realize everything is the same, you didn't accomplish any heroic feats, you didn't win the lottery, and you didn't have the happy ending you wanted all your life. "What's real in our minds is true" If you believe in something so strongly there is no reason why it can't come true. If you can picture yourself doing something you always wanted or being with the one person you know you were meant to be with and you just believe in that one dream or thought so strongly than you will end up like that one day. If you just always believe you can do anything you want, you just have to believe in things other than reality. You have to keep an open mind. We only use 10% of our brains, but think what's possible if you try to use the other 90%. There's no reason people shouldn't be able to have some control over their lives. The power of thought is so real but a lot of people just don't want to believe. It really is true you can do anything you set your mind to. So many people complain about how crappy their lives are but if they just tried to do like mind over matter hey could turn there lives around.


Ashalicious said...

I thought all your thoughts were intresting. They all made me look at life differently.

Estrella Bella said...

I agree with you on all of these especially the last one with the using 10% of your brain thing. I like your knowledge lol.

Tiffany12 said...

I agree with you kara, considering I took some of your ideas, because I ran out of them and still needed more to write, hope you don't mind.