Friday, January 19, 2007

My Keys

This morning I couldn't find my keys anywhere. I searched all over the house but I couldn't find them. So my dad had to drive me to school but since I spent so much time looking for them that I got to school really late. I guess it's good I didn't drive to school though since the roads in my neighborhood was bad. But then in second hour my mom sent me a text message that she found them. This weekend I have sooo much homework. I also have to babysit and then I am going to go to Danielle's house. We might go shopping. I really want to go the movies so I might take my sister to see Charlotte's Web.

1 comment:

Tiffany12 said...

I am sorry you could not find you keys that happens to me all of the time, but i always end up locking my keys in my car and then have no way to get them out.