Monday, January 29, 2007


January 29, 2007
To the 3 idiots who broke into my car. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Every single night I park my car in the garage, but the one night I didn't you chose to be so immature and felt the need to break into my car just for fun. Was it so necessary to throw something at the window and shatter glass everywhere, leaving such a huge mess all over the driveway and inside the car. You felt the need to go inside my car and throw things everywhere and empty out my glove compartment and leave shattered glass everywhere. And for what? You didn't even steal anything. That incident just proved how immature you are. And what were you even doing outside so early in the morning? I have a pretty good idea who you are and let me just say how much I can't stand you. If you are who I think you are than I hate you even more than I have in the past. You all need to get over yourselves and just grow up. You are not the best things in the world and the sooner you realize that, the better. You have no right to go around destroying other people's property just so you can have some fun. Or maybe it was for a dare? No matter what the reason it was just plain wrong. And it wasn't just my car either, it was other peoples cars and also other things in our neighborhood. You seriously need to stop being so destructive. You need to find better things to do with your time. Maybe you should get a hobby or else find a way to take all your stored up energy you use to throw bricks at cars and go to the gym. Go do something else, please. Leave everyone alone. How would you like if someone broke into your car. Or your house for that matter. I hope you get caught soon and get the punishment you deserve. Not just for this but for everything you have done LIKE this. If you can't stop than just go away. Forever.

1 comment:

Tiffany12 said...

If I knew who broke into your car I would beat them up for you. I also really love your letter.